Tool set in the spirit of the original unit supplied with the Norton Commando. Larger and more comprehensive, with UK sourced tools packed in a high quality vinyl tool roll branded with the Norton logo. Rolled size is 3.5" x 8-3/4" long. Contains:
Spanners -
- 3/16 x 1/4 Whitworth
- 5/16 x 3/8 AF
- 5/16 x 3/8 Whitworth
- 7/16 x 1/2 AF
- 9/16 x 5/8 AF
- 11/16 x 3/4 AF
- 5/8 x 3/4 AF
- 7/8 x 15/16 AF
- spark plug
Phillips/flat blade screwdriver
"C" spanner/valve adjuster
Guide tool - camshaft oil seal
Tire levers (2)

Norton Factory Tools .Accessories, Tools
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& Associates if you have any questions or comments please
contact us at info@fheaton.com