Old Britts

Front Master Cylinder by
AP Lockheed
CP3179-2, CP3180-2, CP3125-2 & CP3125-4

 Front Master Cylinders This is a picture of two non-adjustable AP Lockheed Front Master Cylinders.
The CP3179-2 (14-200001) is a 5/8" (15.875mm) cylinder and is to be used with a single disc system.
The CP3180-2 (14-200002) is a .7" (17.78mm) cylinder and is used with a dual disc system.
Both master cylinders fit a 7/8" handle bar.

We also have the above master cylinders in adjustable ratio versions.
The CP3125-4 has an effective bore size from 12mm to 16mm and is to be used with a single disc system.
The CP3125-2 has an effective bore size from 16mm to 19mm and is to be used with a dual disc system.

Guide to ratio Adjustment
Wheel Adjustment Braking Lever Travel Lever Feel
Clockwise, away from handlebar Decreased Decreased Harder
Anti clockwise, toward handlebar Increased Increased Softer

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This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton & Associates if you have any questions or comments please contact us at eaton@oldbritts.com