At this time we stock two types of pushrods for stock Norton Commandos and one type for the Combat Commando.

The pushrods from Andover Norton, pictured on the left, are of the standard Commando lengths:
- 06-7940, intake, 8.15" long, weight 45g, sold individually,
$19.45 each. - 06-7941, exhaust, 7.3" long, weight 40g, sold individually,
$19.45 each.
The pushrods from Left Coast racing, pictured on the right, come in two lengths and are sold as a set of four.
- 06-7940/1/S, set for stock lengths, 8.15" 32g intake & 7.3" 30g exhaust,
$103.00 set of four. - 06-7940/1/C, set for the Combat engine. These pushrods are .036" shorter than the stock lengths
(8.114" intake & 7.264" exhaust),
$0.00 set of four.
The prices quoted are current as of 02/12/21.
This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton & Associates if you have any questions or comments please contact us at eaton@oldbritts.com