No code means that we always try and keep this item in stock and at volumes that hopefully prevent us from running out of this item. | |
The OO code stands for On Order and means that we have run out of this item and have it on order or will be placing an order soon. There are some items that we normally keep in stock, but our sales volumes are not high enough to warrant maintaining them in large volumes. These items may appear with the OO status for some time until we place our general stocking orders, but you can Special Order this item and we will order it immediately. | |
The SO code stands for Special Order and means that this item may be available, and we do not normally stock this item. The time to obtain special order items varies and the price listed is as of the last time we sold one, so it is advisable to call and confirm availability date and pricing. | |
The BO code stands for Back Ordered and means that this item has been backordered by our supplier and will be available shortly. The term shortly varies between suppliers and may be as long as a couple of months. | |
The NA code stands for No Longer Available and means that this item has been backordered numerous times by our supplier or can not be obtained. We do not give up on these items and eventually we will find them or a good replacement, but it may take months to years. | |
The OP code stands for Out of Print and means that our supplier for this book can not obtain a copy of this book. Out of Print books normally do come back into print, but it may takes months or even years. We are continually searching for old stock of hard-to-obtain books so keep checking our on-hand quantity, or E-mail us to have your name put on our backorder list. | |
The U code stands for Used parts and means just that. As we obtain basket cases that can not be restored or sort through our pile of used Norton parts we will update our on-hand quantities. Used parts are sold as-is with no return or warranty. We will not sell a used part that is not serviceable, but please keep in mind it is a used part. | |
The D code stands for Dropped item and means that when we run out of this item we will no longer carry this item. We normally reduce the price on dropped items to move them out of our inventory. |
This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton & Associates if you have any questions or comments please contact us at eaton@oldbritts.com