A written history of BSA participation in motorcycle competitions has been long overdue. During the 15 years since the company's competitions department closed down, the memory of just what had been achieved by this once-great British company has been blurred and blunted by the passage of time; indeed, there are modern writers and observers who have come to believe that BSA achieved very little.
The truth is very different. No other British motorcycle manufacturer produced a greater variety of models and achieved the same degree of success for so long. The author has gone to great lengths to bring home this forceful fact and, in so doing, leads the reader to the inevitable conclusion that collectively in trials, scrambles, motocross and road racing, BSA was one of the most successful in world motorcycle sport.
In British events alone, BSA riders won no less that 60 national titles. This fact itself is indicative of the profound scale of BSA competition success which this narrative-style history confirms for the benefit of present and future generations.
Hard bound, 7" x 10", 345 pages, Black and white illustrations.
This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton
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