Wiring Diagram & Mounting Kit
These pictures show the Dyna coil. You would use the 3 ohm coil (part #
with points and the
5 ohm coil (part #
with a Boyer Ignition.
The Boyer ignition system comes with a jumper wire to connect the two 6 volt coils in series. When you use the Dyna coil this jumper is not used and you would wire the coil as shown in the following wiring diagram.

This picture shows the coil being rubber mounted, on a Commando, where the old condensers
and ballast resistor were mounted using the above mounting kit.
This picture shows how you would modify the mounting rubbers to fit around the coil. Scissors
can be used to cut the rubber washers.
This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton & Associates if you have any questions or comments please contact us at info@fheaton.com