By Viking
This picture shows the Viking Pea Shooter muffler .
Close up pictures of the this silencer.

MK3 Black Cap (Toga NOS01, our part # 06-4170, $250.00, each.
Interstate/Interpol (our part # 06-3130, $217.06, each.
Pea Shooter, Plain (Toga NOS11, our part # 06-1978/A, DROPPED, each.
Pea Shooter, with Norton Logo (Andover 06-1978, our part # 06-1978, $200.00, each.
Pea Shooter, Smooth (Toga NOS16, our part # 06-1978/S, DROPPED, each.
Commando Mufflers not pictured:
Pea Shooter, Plain (Wassel, our part # 06-1978/W,
Chrome Pea Shooter, Smooth, 1 3/8" (Viking, our part # 06-1978/V/S,
This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton & Associates if you have any questions or comments please contact us at info@fheaton.com