The tappets are located in the lower part of the Cylinder Barrel retained by Four 2BA screws, two screws to each plate, passing through a separating plate for each tappet.
Current prices are:
Tappets (part # 06-7820)
a set.
2BA screws (part # 06-7560)
Separating plate (part # 06-3092)
To remove the tappets cut the safety wire for the plate retaining screws (06-7560) and remove the screws.
The tappets are machined in pairs and must be re-fitted in the same order as they were removed. They do not interchange
It is most important, when re-fitting the tappets: to apply a little clean oil and ensure the beveled edges are side by side facing the front of the engine. Inadvertent reversal will restrict oil drainage and also prevent lubrication.
Firmly tighten the plate retaining screws and secure with safety wire linking the two screws
The standard tappet diameter is 1.1865" to 1.1875".
The +.020 tappet (part # 06-7820/020,
diameter is 1.2065" to 1.2075".
The clearance between the tappets and the cylinder bore is 0.0010" to 0.0015".
Norton Parts .Engine, Valve Gear
This page was written and designed by F. H. Eaton
& Associates if you have any questions or comments please
contact us at infon@fheaton.com