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Northwest Norton owners

NWNO January General Meeting via Zoom

  • January 14, 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom


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NWNO Monthly Meeting via ZOOM

Join us once again for our monthly NWNO meeting via ZOOM

We have decided to go back to the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM for these virtual meetings.

As per our custom, the meeting is open to all, members or not. However, you must RSVP to indicate that you are planning to attend. Only people who register for the meeting will be sent the login information the day of the meeting. 

We are looking forward to seeing members from around the state, country and globe! 

This is new for all of us so we hope it's interesting and informative. Club President Mark Zenor will follow our normal agenda to start the meeting and then we will try to open the floor (screen) for discussion.

If you have an agenda item you want to discuss send it ahead of time to Mark at so he can get it on the list. 

Remember: you must register to be sent the login link

Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Norton Motorcycles

Founded in 1991 by Steve Neal & Garry Scheving



Mark Zenor

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